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Reveling in Childhood


We help children ages three to four to happily and successfully transition from home life to school life with our innovative preschool approach. Following a daily rhythm well-suited to their natural development, our preschool helps young students begin to expand their social circle, enrich their imaginations, and expand their physical activities in a peaceful, nurturing environment.

Exploring Their Expanding World


Preschool at Eastside Community School is about reveling in both childhood and the world, with children spending ample time in and out of doors. Outside, they explore nature as they splash in puddles, marvel at budding daffodils, or run with the winds. Inside, they learn to play together, use toys made from natural materials, and enjoy homemade snacks to stay fueled for movement and fun.

Activities also mark the rhythm of the changing natural world throughout the year. In the fall, children may cut and cook apples for applesauce and make lanterns to lighten the growing darkness. In the spring, they may help prepare a snack using organic vegetables.

Regular parent evenings are held throughout the school year for parents to ask questions, share resources, and explore the foundations of an early childhood experience inspired by Waldorf education. Private annual conferences offer parents time to discuss their child’s development in depth with the teacher.


Class Sessions
Three-day, Monday–Wednesday, and five-day options available, with choice of morning program or extended day.

School Hours
Morning program 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.; Extended day 12:00 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.
Start and end times may vary from year to year. 

Three to four years old; children must be three by September 1 and potty trained. September birthdays will be evaluated on an individual basis.

Class Size
Up to 14 children, 2 teachers or
Up to 8 children, 1 teacher

Food Provided
Snack: organic and vegetarian. Children with allergies will be accommodated in conjunction with parent support.

After-School Care
Available from dismissal time until 5:30 p.m. for an additional hourly fee. 

Note: After-School Care is available for extended day students. There is no After-School Care for morning program students.

Preschool Classroom
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